Brief Pressure Control Troubleshooting
Purple connecter is disconnected: The system will inflate, but it will not deflate. The “Current Pressure” icon will flash and constantly give a “complete” alert.
Orange connector is disconnected: The system will deflate but will not inflate. The “Current Pressure” icon will flash and constantly give a “complete” alert, as well as continually check and blow off excess air in the solenoid.
Purple and Orange connectors on wrong solenoid: The pressure control system will continually deflate.
PRV is disconnected: The “Current Pressure” icon will not show a pressure reading. The system will continuously inflate.
PRV is plumbed to an inlet: The system will check your inlet pressure and regulate the back end instead of regulating the outlet (what you are inflating)
Bluetooth module disconnected: No operation of the system. No connection to the phone application
Compressor switch turned off: The module does not get power. No operation of system.
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